
for Health Care

The Health Care business has addressable opportunities around delivering episode of care. To exploit these opportunities, Insurers require real-time pivotal interventions in the form of alerts, automated decisions and augmented intelligence. ScenAI enables interventions to be delivered through Machine Learning, Data Science Models and Artificial Intelligence at scale, within the core claim system workflow. Indicative list of use cases in when applied at the point of action can provide insights for pivotal interventions.

ICD Codes

Alerts, Automated decisions and Intelligence for Claim Handlers to scientifically decide the acceptance of ICD Codes and Body Part. This helps address leakage and improve Injured Worker Experience.

Provider Recommendation

Recommend right provider based on Injury and return to work data, helps with better Return to Work and assured support for the Injured Worker.

Disease Onset

Recommend care strategies based on data science driven insights for disease path and proactive care.

Utlization Review

Recommend and automate utilization review driven by experience data experiements.